#bsd natsume
curry-and-gunpowder · 8 months
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Dazai "everyone's project" Osamu
(Plz don't @ me with any suggestions or "corrections", thank you.)
Edit: holy shit this blew up way more than I ever imagined lol. Thank you to all who reblog, your tags are everything ❤️
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tamanegi-san · 6 months
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I like to think that Oda would let Dazai stay over at his place sometimes back then. (Because Mr. Demon Prodigy didn't have no proper house).
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sableeira · 11 months
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You know how “the moon is beautiful tonight, isn’t it?” is used as an expression for love confessions? It’s said that Natsume Soseki came up with it after overhearing a student translate “I love you” to Japanese in a very literal sense. While there is no source confirming that this exchange actually happened, I still think a scene referencing the expression with Natsume randomly appearing would be hilarious
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yah1dka · 5 months
dazai: chuuya, don`t you feel something weird?
chuuya: HUUUUh? you think this is the right question after kissing me? if you don`t like me you should say so!
dazai: no, like, someone's watching us, chibi
chuuya: you`re just being paranoid
natsume in his cat form, watching the extention of his little science fukuzawa-mori partnership project: yeah, dazai, don`t think about it
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bsdcafezine · 4 months
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🍪Cover Reveal Share Campaign🍪
We have a special treat for you as we await our grand opening! Help us reach our goal of 150 likes and retweets/shares/reblogs across ALL platforms in order to get a look at the full cover before we open shop in 1 week!
🔗All socials can be found on our carrd!
All likes and shares across ALL platforms will be added together in order for the share goal to be met!
🍪60 reblogs on Tumblr + 90 retweets on twitter counts as 150 shares
🍪100 likes on twitter + 50 likes on instagram counts as 150 likes
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iamthemess · 7 months
Wanna know what else I'm obsessed with?
It's Natsume. Lots of people forget about him or never even really noticed him. but I did and he is honestly the most unsettling character to me.
He is constantly around Dazai, watching throughout 15 and dark era and he spies on the agency/Dazai? in the present timeline too.
He appears around PM Dazai all the time unless he is with Mori or Chuuya but not Odasaku. He watched the lupin trio.
It's not just the watching, it's the interfering. He gave Oda that book, that book that made Oda who he is and in turn made Dazai who he is.
Was Mori really the only one who made the decisions about Oda dying? Why was there no other choice unless it was a part of a bigger plan?
He put Mori in a prime position where he would be called upon to treat the old mafia boss, where he could learn and understand that the city was falling apart. For a lot of that time the person giving him orders was Natsume.
Natsume was the one who hired Fukuzawa to be Mori's body guard.
Natsume was the one who made the detective agency a possibility.
He is the one who put Mori and Fukuzawa in charge of opposite organisations. What else did he do?
How did Mori find Yosano? Where did Dazai come from? How did the guild know about Atsushi?
Time and time again Natsume shows up to create a chain of events leading up to creating a perfect pair who could cause devastation and/or save the city.
He started with Mori and Fukuzawa, Mori who would continue this line of succession by creating soukoku, Dazai and Chuuya. Mori even quotes something Natsume told him. "only diamonds can polish diamonds."
Dazai, with Natsume possibly guiding him, goes on to find his own diamonds to be polished and creates Shin soukoku.
Everything that has happened can stem from Natsume, a character we rarely see and isn't outwardly stated as important. What is he hiding?
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poorly-drawn-bsd · 2 months
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Now let's cut to another studio!
Welcome to our blog! Here we'll post silly doodles of BSD characters- and we're open for requests! Please check the pinned post!
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What do you think Fukuzawa thought when he watched one of his secretary's cats, a cat who he has probably seen hundreds of times and maybe even held and given treats too...
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Turn into not just a grown ass man, but a man who Fukuzawa greatly respects and who helped him build the ADA, no to mention the man who originally partnered him with Mori.
Like what must have been going through his head, "Was I giving dried fish to NATSUME-SENSEI THIS WHOLE TIME???
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caelanglang · 4 months
Wip Jail!
In light of the cover reveal for @bsdcafezine I thought I’d share my struggle for it xD
When I first jumped into this piece I kept reassuring myself that I had a cheat brush to help me with the light effects… but as seen in the vid that brush did not give the effect I wanted so I manually did the shadowing and worked on the light from there on orz hhhhhh
The rendering took a while idk why procreate sped it up so much 😂
My lineart process was all over the place,, I kept jumping between different characters orz
and yes I replaced Tecchou with Sigma because one of the contributors said their favorite was Sigma so I added them in instead,,, sorry for the lack of Hunting Dogs here TT
I struggled with choosing a font for the text too… only to resort to writing it o n my own lol
Thank you for watching!! <3
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calmlb · 4 months
Odasaku became to Dazai what he had hoped Mori would be to him
…what Dazai was to Akutagawa
…what Atsushi was to Kyouka & Lucy
…what Fukuzawa was to Ranpo
…what Ranpo was to Yosano
…what Mori & Adam were to Chuuya
…what Fyodor was to Nikolai
…what Fukuchi was to Teruko
…what Dazai was to Sigma
…what Natsume was to Oda
the bsd web of hope :’)
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anticidic · 4 months
I've always wondered how bsd characters came to know the names of their abilities. Like, did they name their abilities themselves? Is it like a birthright where when they first tapped into their abilities, the government or some sort of agency had to be notified and someone else officially named their abilities based on what they did?
BSD is in its own little pocket dimension that simultaneously reflects the real world and doesn't at the same time, so it'd be funny if like Natsume or Oda—since they were writers—got into a battle with someone like Chuuya or Akutagawa who tell the enemy the name of their ability and what it does, and they're like oh yeah, I've heard of that novel/piece of literature!
Just really breaking the fourth wall.
But also, if we wanna go down the route of characters naming their abilities themselves, there are some pretty good cases to be made:
Dazai doesn't like his ability and thinks it's a curse more than anything
Chuuya struggles with feeling human enough and belonging and might feel "tainted" as a result while harboring a deep sorrow
Fyodor's ability activates from the crime of murder being committed and him punishing them as a result
Then you have Fitzgerald who's full of himself and naming his ability after himself
And Natsume who is just I Am a Cat 🐈
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kaurwreck · 4 months
bsd is never going to have any explicit romance until its final climax, which will be resolved by natsume soseki and fyodor dostoevsky sloppily tongue fucking each other's mouths in an allegory for the evolution of modern japanese literature.
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flamie-42 · 1 year
The ADA dorms pt 4
Natsume: *sitting dramatically on a rooftop* Ah it is so wonderful to see that my three party framework has become successful. The alliance between the Port Mafia and the Armed Detective Agency will usher a new era of pea.. ... what the fuck
Chuuya: *leaving Dazai's room through the window and flying off* Akutagawa: *leaves Atsushi's room using Rashomon to slink into an alleyway* Mori: *walks quickly out of Fukuzawas room with a black trench coat and a big hat* Kouyou: *Kisses Yosano at her door and strolls calmly to the street and into a car*
Natsume: I cant deal with this shit
Part 9 ~ Part 8 ~ Part 7 ~ Part 6 ~ Part 5 ~ Part 4 ~ Part 3 ~ Part 2 ~ Part 1
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jounosparticles · 1 year
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these official arts are so funny to me whenever i remember that natsume is the cat. he’s watching them take sexy pictures and they have no clue at all.
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valverii · 1 year
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mori would indeed have predicted the true culprit but it was that if he hadn’t given the pm someone to point fingers at, outrage would pour out—and in cutting his losses, he found that it was safer to play along with whatever dazai had planned. as for how the pm reacted when they found out about chuuya’s innocence: akutagawa was baffled—for what reason did dazai have to push out one of their best? kouyou was heartbroken despite having maintained the position that chuuya was innocent—as seen in previous posts, she tried to convince him to come back after his name was cleared.
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Comic idea that I had a while ago---I don't think this could actually happen bcuz dazai knows who natsume is (i'm pretty sure, i might be remembering this wrong), but I still think it's funny.
Thank you @hoicacti for the suggestion to draw Natsume---he was really fun to draw!! I'm willing to take other suggestions from people, but I might take a while to get around to drawing them.
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